Song From The Watchtower (Ver 1)


May you embrace a righteous compassionate God; may America turn now to God. May God send awakening and be merciful in judgment (Hab 3:2). #WorshipGod #AltarOfPraise #RunToGod #Awakening #TurnNowToGod #Repent #Revival


Habakkuk has heard God‘s reply to his heartfelt questions – why evil prevails. He is astounded and awestruck at God’s mighty work. He now enters into intimate communion with God in prayer. Presumably, he is still in his “watchtower“; that place of seeking. Like Job, he concludes “I have heard all about you, Lord. I am filled with awe at what I see” (see Job 42:5,6).

The prophet sings his song of prayer admitting the deep need of the people. This is the only petition in this prayer. 1) “Help us Lord, as you have before [send revival] …and 2) In your anger, show mercy.“

If we know that God won’t allow evil to persist forever; if we know that God will ultimately rain down judgment on godless nations, would this not be an appropriate petition to God in our day concerning America? Absolutely!

There is but one place to go in times of trouble. That is to our righteous and compassionate God. Lord, you are fierce in your righteousness judgments, but I am not afraid to embrace you.

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