(Isa 53:1-12; Luk 18:9-14; Heb 9:13,14,24-28)

When I think of my fallen self and how desperately wicked can be my heart, I think of my crucified and risen Savior who has borne my sin and shame and redeemed me to himself.

The sin, which does so easily beset me, has its end in the Cross of Calvary. It drives afresh the nails into my Savior’s hands and feet. My besetting sins do not go unaccounted for. These…

…my sins of commission – to lie, to lust, to speak ill/criticize, to waste time;

…my sins of omission – to disobey by not going when moved, not speaking when prompted, not helping when urged;

…my sins of disposition – envy, pride, anger, evil desire;

All these my sins, and more, go painfully under the shed blood of Jesus on the cross.

My unmerited righteousness in Christ does not come without a price. I cannot flee the failure of sins committed, but I can, in Christ, flee from the sin not yet committed before it besets me. AND EVERY SIN FROM WHICH I FLEE IS THAT MUCH PAIN RELIEVED IN MY SAVIOR’S BODY. FOR EVERY SIN RESISTED IS A SIN FOR WHICH HE DID NOT HAVE TO DIE.

Where sin has abounded in my heart without confession, my precious Savior is left to suffer. For lack of confession is unbelief in his atoning sacrifice, his faithfulness to forgive my sin and cleanse me from all unrighteousness (1Jn 1:9). My confession acknowledges and accepts his sacrifice.

If he did not want to forgive us he would not have died so horrible a death. So believe. Do not carry your burden of sin. He has borne it. Confess it and do not mourn any longer. You are forgiven and accepted in the beloved (Eph 1:6).

(Note this portion from Valley Of Vision, a book of Puritan prayers)

“…if I sin not I should thank thee for it; 

“…if I do sin I should be humbled daily under it;

“…I should mourn for sin more than other men do, for when I see I shall die because of sin, that makes me mourn;

when I see how sin strikes at thee, that makes me mourn; 

when I see that sin caused Christ’s death, that makes me mourn;”

“…Thou has taught me that faith is nothing else than receiving thy kindness; that it is an adherence to Christ, a resting on him a love clinging to him as a branch to the tree, to seek life and vigor from him.” [To mourn no longer]

“…I thank thee for showing me the vast difference between knowing things by reason and knowing them by the spirit of faith. [Job 42:5,6]

“…By reason I see a thing is so; by faith I know it is. 

“…I have seen thee by reason [head knowledge] and have not been amazed.

“…I have seen thee as thou art in the Son [by faith] and HAVE BEEN RAVISHED TO BEHOLD THEE…

“…I bless thee that I am thine in my Savior, Jesus.” [Mourn no longer]

One thought on “MY FALLEN SELF

  1. Thank you, Roger, for your words of wisdom ! Miss you at Glenview so much ! Praying for you and Dianne.


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