Rapacious Evil

May America turn from her godless path and may righteous faith prevail (Hab 2:4,5). #TheJustLiveByFaith #RapaciousEvil #TurnNowToGod #Repent


Habakkuk sits pensively with his spiritual ears open to hear how God will answer his questions (1:2–4). The silence is deafening. Then, into the silence, God begins his woeful dirge of condemnation for Babylon. Her rapacity will not go unpunished; judgment will come.

Babylon (even America) is a nation become arrogant, swollen and puffed up like an old toad. Her passions are only for rapacious evil and unrighteousness. She makes a mockery of all that is morally good. She is a godless, corrupt and perverse nation. She is a drunken nation state with an insatiable appetite to enslave all people to government. Judgment is certain. It is already crouching at the door.

In stark contrast stands God’s righteous ones. “The righteous will live [know abundant life] by their steadfast faith [in Jehovah God].” These words sparkle like a jewel shinning through the darkness from deep within an earthen cavern. These words have given hope to God’s righteous ones through the ions of time, from Habakkuk to the Apostle Paul to Martin Luther and beyond.*

Lord, may a righteous faith prevail from deep within my soul; from deep within the soul of America. .


* The Faith of the Righteous

Rom 1:17

Gal 3:11

Heb 10:38

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