Cooler Heads Prevail


Seek counsel from wiser, more knowledgeable and cooler heads (Jer 26:16-19). #CoolHeadsPrevail #SeekOutListenToWisdom #KnowYourHistory

Following Jeremiah‘s threefold defense (vv12–15) the court officials, in agreement with the people, sided with Jeremiah and against the priests and false prophets: Jeremiah was speaking for God, and did not deserve to die.

Some wise and cooler heads also spoke. They recalled when the prophet Micah predicted disaster for Judah during the reign of King Hezekiah (Mic 1:1; 3:12), Hezekiah led the people to turn from their sin and worship God. They begged God‘s mercy. God heard their prayer and changed his mind. Jeremiah’s court concluded that to kill Jeremiah would serve only to do themselves great harm.*

Lord, may I always seek out and listen to counsel from wiser cooler heads; may I be wise in my counsel to others.


* See a similar event when hot headed priests planned to kill Peter. A wise and elder Pharisee sheds wisdom on their deliberations.

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