Fighting God; Bad Idea


Do not delay to repent and follow God (Jer 21:8-14). #Repent #TurnNowToGod #ChooseLifeChooseGod


[For whatever reason Chs 21 & 22 are out of sequence. These chapters contain prophecies of the last four kings of Judah. I insert them as a matter of cohesive devotional understanding. This is not a critical analysis, but the best of my understanding in my study]

Jeremiah continues his message to the unrepentant King Zedekiah. There is no way out of the judgment of God for the sin of he and his people. God says, “If you stay and fight the Babylonians, you will die. Surrender and live; that will be your reward.”* God will not put up with sinful disobedience indefinitely (Gen 6:3).

Still, to repent and do good remains an option. Change, do justice to the people, help the oppressed. The king must change, lead the nation to change. God warns again, “I will personally fight against you…punish you for your sinfulness. I will light the fire of judgment.“ Lord, my best options are always to reverence you, humbly repent and seek your face.


* God spoke similar words to me on December 28, 1968, in a guard tower over the Saigon River, “You must make a choice. You can of go home in a body bag or you can repent and go home serving me. The choice is yours and the time is now.” I could no longer continue to make a mockery of the faith. I could no longer live with one foot in the Faith and one foot in the world. I could no longer serve two masters. I chose the later, and I never looked back.“

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