Deeply Stained Within


May we be deeply moved in waves of contrition and repentance for our own sin & rebellion (Hab 1:6-11). #Repent #TurnNowToGod #America #TheNations

MORNING WATCH NOTES (and extended subscript to the nations):

This is the horrific vision that God gave the prophet, Habakkuk. A pagan nation of cruel violent people (Babylon) will descend on Judah like a blazing relentless desert wind. This godless nation will gobble up other nations as well, having their way with whatever cruelty they wish.

The war horses of Babylon run like the cheetah and are more fierce than ravenous wolves. Their charioteers charge from a far off and swoop down like eagles, picking off and devour their unsuspecting prey. They scoop up captives as they go. No one is safe. They scoff kings & princes; laugh at their fortresses and walls. Then, like the wind, they are gone, leaving behind nothing but a sweltering desolate landscape.

But God tells the prophet, Babylon was not innocent for having been God‘s instrument. NO! They went beyond all restraint to their own destruction. They were deeply guilty and flawed because they viewed their own strength was their God.

Lord, the prayer sentries, the watchmen on the walls, must sit dumbfounded with the prophet and consider what horrific plan lay ahead for Judah. Would God, could God, do such a thing (vv12-16)?

May this Sentry be moved to waves of contrition and repentance for my own deep sin.



I ask what will be in store for my own great nation (America) and her great allies. Where will pride in our own strength, our arrogant disregard of God and our distain of justice bring us? Is there any nation on earth today that God may be raising up to do to us what Babylon did to Judah and the ancients?

That is not a far fetched question. Consider China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. All of these are mentioned in one way or another in prophecies of these end times.

A local pastor spoke recently and reminded his congregation of how the nations viewed the nation of Israel after her 70 years of captivity in Babylon.

When the Lord brought back his exiles to Jerusalem, it was like a dream! We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, “What amazing things the Lord has done for them.” (Psm 126:1-2)

“The other nations were amazed” to see how God had blessed Israel.

There was a day when the nations would have looked upon America and said, “What amazing things the Lord has done for them.” But today that light has grown dim and the nations laugh at us. Mock us. Scorn us. America has left the God of her fathers. May the Lord send sweeping revival across this land like a fast moving prairie fire. May there be an awakening of national one global proportions.


Perhaps the prophet Habakkuk and those righteous who were with him, like we today, could find some comfort in the words of Israel’s king, David, the Psalmist:

”But the Lord is in his holy Temple; the Lord still rules from heaven. He watches everyone closely, examining every person on earth. The Lord examines both the righteous and the wicked. He hates those who love violence…

[…no matter who: Babylon, China, Russia, Iran; AMERICA, GREAT BRITAIN and others are not without their own history of violence]

“[God] will rain down blazing coals and burning sulfur on the wicked, punishing them with scorching winds.

[If God spared not his own chose people from judgment and correction, how safe are those without God’s covering of mercy and grace?]

[But our] righteous Lord loves justice. The virtuous will see his face.“ (Psm 11:4-7)



Did God Exalt Evil?


May we turn daily and acknowledge God, our gracious Sovereign (Hab 1:6) #AcknowledgeGodAsSovereign #GodExaltsNations #GodAbandonsNations #RighteousnessExaltsANation #SinDestroysANation

Babylon The Great – Babylon The Fallen


So what is so “astounding“ about God‘s vision to Habakkuk? Well, God says, incredibly, that he has raised up a nation of cruel and violent people. EVIL: did God make this nation cruel and violent? NO! He elevated this nation on the world stage (Job 12:23). Men are cruel, violent and evil because of the lust and greed in their own fallen hearts (John 3:18-20).

This nation, Babylon (also a key metaphor of evil throughout much of Bible prophecy – Dan 2:36-39; Rev 18:2,3) and its king, did not acknowledge God as its source of strength. They attributed their wealth, might and power to their own strength and ability. Instead of blessing the world, they became a curse to the world. Ultimately God would cast them off as well.

[William Grunall states in his classic, The Christian In Complete Armour, “Sometimes [God] allows an opposing force to arise, so that at precisely the right moment he can raise up a more magnificent pillar of remembrance to himself. This pillar will stand in the very ruins of that which contested [God’s] power. Thus, when he intervenes, all must say, “Almighty Power was here“ Pg.46]

It is foolish to ignore and disrespect a gracious God, who exalts men and nations. Lord, may I (may America) daily acknowledge you as my (and our) Sovereign.

God’s Infinite Vision


Place your faith in the eternal wisdom and plans of God (Hab 1:6). #InfinitVision #PlanOfTheAges #GodIsSovereign

Infinite Vision


Here is the vision that will astound, even terrify, Habakkuk and the people of God (v5). God has been infinitely at work to raise up a nation (a pagan, gentile nation), Babylon, to rain down judgment on Judah. Habakkuk, in his short life and span of prophetic call, is just arriving to where God has been for generations.

God has been long suffering, not willing that any should perish. God is ready to curb his judgment at the first sign of repentance. But now the time has come (2Pe 3:9,10). Habakkuk will be one of the last trumpet calls to repent. God was right. Habakkuk could not believe it (vv12,13). God is eternally at work in the affairs of men (Job 12:21-24). Lord, I may fully trust in your infinite plan for the nations, for my good and your glory.

Evil: Prompts For Prayer


May evil find judgment at the hand of God (Hab 1:1–4). #Revival #Prayer #Awakening #America #GlobalAwakening #Repentance


What Habakkuk sees in the vision he received from God is the state of society in his day. He sees what others might see even in our day. They are Prompts to PRAY!. “Violence is everywhere I look. It goes on and on, unchecked. PRAY! The evil running rampant in our streets creates havoc and misery for its victims. PRAY! People argue and fight at the least provocation. PRAY!

Where is the law? Nowhere. It is paralyzed. PRAY! There is no justice in corrupt courtrooms. PRAY! The wicked outnumber the righteous and justice is perverted. PRAY!” So, we too ask, “Lord, how long must we cry out for help; when will justice fall?” Lord, the press of evil begs the urgent prayer of this sentry on the wall; that God might judge the wicked and spare the righteous. PRAY!

God Quiet? Ask Why!


May you never fear to ask God honest questions (Hab 1:1–4). #AskGod #HonestQuestionsHonestAnswers


Here we have the prophet Habakkuk (his name may mean “embracer” or “embraced“ (literally it means to hold in one’s hands). Was Habakkuk the “embracer” of the people to comfort them, or to be an “embracer” of the problem of divine justice in a wicked world? Or was he the “embraced” one who God had chosen as his messenger?

Either way, Habakkuk was God‘s prophet and his message stands as unique among the prophets. His writings are more the record of a dialogue between him and his Creator God. His primary question, as ours is today, why does such evil persist in our world without any consequences?* These first four verses could be internet headlines today. Lord, if I am honest, I must admit that I too wonder just how long before you set this crooked old world straight again?


* The Bible Knowledge Commentary on Habakkuk, Pgs 1505-1507.

Fighting God; Bad Idea


Do not delay to repent and follow God (Jer 21:8-14). #Repent #TurnNowToGod #ChooseLifeChooseGod


[For whatever reason Chs 21 & 22 are out of sequence. These chapters contain prophecies of the last four kings of Judah. I insert them as a matter of cohesive devotional understanding. This is not a critical analysis, but the best of my understanding in my study]

Jeremiah continues his message to the unrepentant King Zedekiah. There is no way out of the judgment of God for the sin of he and his people. God says, “If you stay and fight the Babylonians, you will die. Surrender and live; that will be your reward.”* God will not put up with sinful disobedience indefinitely (Gen 6:3).

Still, to repent and do good remains an option. Change, do justice to the people, help the oppressed. The king must change, lead the nation to change. God warns again, “I will personally fight against you…punish you for your sinfulness. I will light the fire of judgment.“ Lord, my best options are always to reverence you, humbly repent and seek your face.


* God spoke similar words to me on December 28, 1968, in a guard tower over the Saigon River, “You must make a choice. You can of go home in a body bag or you can repent and go home serving me. The choice is yours and the time is now.” I could no longer continue to make a mockery of the faith. I could no longer live with one foot in the Faith and one foot in the world. I could no longer serve two masters. I chose the later, and I never looked back.“

Time’s Running Out


Move with haste to repentance, while there is still time (Jer 21:1–7). #Repent #TurnNowToGod #ChooseLife #TimeIsRunningOut


[For whatever reason Chs 21 & 22 are out of sequence. These chapters contain prophecies of the last four kings of Judah. I insert them as a matter of cohesive devotional understanding. This is not a critical analysis, but the best of my understanding in my study]

The days of Josiah have passed. Judah was on a path of destruction as predicted by Huldah the prophetess (2Ki 22:18–20; 2Ch 34:26–28). King Zedekiah shows no sign of repentance but “begs“ Jeremiah to speak with the Lord, that he might deliver Judah from the Babylonians. The following is what God said through Jeremiah.

“Your weapons will be useless against Babylon. I myself [God] will fight against you. I will send plagues. I will hand King Zedekiah over to Babylon. They will show no mercy, pity or compassion”. If God is for us who can stand against us? But if God is against us who can stand before him? Lord, my indifference to sin will only lead to God’s hand of discipline.

More to follow.

Semblance V. Substance


May we be people of deep faith and substance (2Ki 23:34-37; Jer 22:13–17). #SubtanceOverSemblance #PursueFaithAndSubstsnce


[For whatever reason Jeremiah Chs 21 & 22 are out of sequence. These chapters contain prophecies of the last four kings of Judah. I insert them as a matter of cohesive devotional understanding. This is not a critical analysis, but the best of my understanding in my study]

A second of King Josiah‘s sons was made a puppet vassal-king by Pharaoh Neco. His name was changed to Jehoiakim. He reigned 11 years. He heavily taxed the Hebrew people to pay the tribute demanded by Neco. He was an unjust, greedy, dishonest and ruthless man (Jer 22:13–17). He had Uriah the prophet killed (Jer 26:20-23). He was nothing like his father, Josiah. [You can inherit many things, but you cannot inherit faith and substance]

Jehoiakim indulged himself at the people’s expense. “I will have a magnificent palace,” he said. But Jeremiah said, “A beautiful cedar palace does not make a great king” (Jer 22:15). Semblance: sad substitute for substance (1Sa 16:7). Leadership and authority is not validated in raw power. It is validated in humility of heart (in the home first, then to those with whom one works/serves, finally to the uttermost parts of one’s reach). Lord, may this old sentry always strive for deep faith and substance.

National Reckoning Pt2


May we learn from history, turn quickly to God and know his favor. (Jer 22:6-9). #RepentAndDoWhatIsRight #TurnNowToGod #Repent


Jeremiah, the prophet, continues his prophecy over the rebellious kings and nation of Judah:

The hard reality for God‘s people is, God loves us, but he will severely discipline his own for their sin, disobedience and worship of other gods (who are no–gods). If God is willing to send in the “wreckers“ and dismantle an entire city devoted to him (Jerusalem) and set it afire, what will we today, in America, face for turning our backs on him?

People may one day ask of this great nation America, what was then asked of Jerusalem. “Why did she fall into such disrepair?” The answer will be, because she scoffed at the God who so blessed her and she went after other gods. Lord, teach my heart, remind me of your goodness so that I might not sin against thee.

More to follow.

You Make Choices; Choices Make You


Choose to follow after God (2Ki 23:31-33). #ChooseJesus #ChoicesMakeTheMan


We Make Choices; Those Choices Make Us

With the passing of King Josiah comes the fulfillment of the prophecy by Huldah (2Ki 22:18-20; 2Ch 34:26–28). Disaster was about to overtake Judah. Judgment for her sin (the sin of her leaders and people) was on the horizon in Egypt. Neither of Josiah‘s sons were able to curb the sin of Judah – nor did they even desire to.

The first son to succeed Josiah was Jehoahaz. He was anointed as king by the people. He was an evil man. He reigned 90 days. Pharaoh Neco took him prisoner, removed him from power and exiled him just as Jeremiah had predicted (Jer 22:10-12). He died an exile in a foreign land. Heritage does not a righteous man make. Lord, may I always choose to follow Christ.

Facing Off With God


May you not be found standing against God’s message or his Messenger (Jer 20:3–6) #ListenToGod #Repent #TurnToGodNow


Pashhur, Jeremiah‘s Temple priest detractor, is singled out here for judgment on two counts. 1) Standing against God‘s prophet, hindering God‘s message to repent, and 2) falsely prophesying himself the reverse of what God‘s prophet was saying – “Ev’thing will be all right.”

God gives Pashhur a new name (Magor-Missabib, Heb. meaning, “fear round about”). He would be what the name implies. He is destined to be a fright to himself and his supporters. Some will die violent deaths. Others will be carried off into exile and there die (all of which came true under the Babylonian invasions (BC 605–586).

Lord, may it be that I would always honor God’s message and his messenger.

The “Shattering”


Do not delay to repent of sin (Jer 19:10–13). #DoNotDelayRepentance #TurnNowToGod #Repent


After describing the judgment about to befall Judah, Jeremiah shatters the pottery jar he had brought with him. He shatters it into the city dump, also called “Topheth“ (place of burning – place, where sacrifices were burned to idolatrous, pagan gods). The picture Jeremiah portrays in the shattering act symbolizes what God intends for the people of Judah and Jerusalem. They will be shattered as a people “beyond hope of repair.“

“Topheth“ (the city dump) is where the dead bodies of the coming destruction will be buried, until there is no more room. All the houses of the city, including the palace of Judah‘s kings will become as this dump – defiled and unclean beyond all remedy. There is an incalculable danger in the delay of repentance. Hearts are hardened beyond repair.

Lord, may there be no delay in my heart to daily repent of sin.

Know Your Enemy


Be wise in your understanding as to how Satan operates (Jer 18:18). #ResistSatan #KnowYourEnemy #ListenToGodsWord


This passage reveals how our enemy, Satan, operates. He can’t stop the man or woman of God from speaking God’s word. So he causes God’s people to doubt and/or ignore God’s word. Look at Genesis 3:1–4.* “Did God really say don’t eat of the fruit?…If you eat the fruit, you won’t die!” So, deceived, man ate the fruit.

Jeremiah’s detractors determined that they would spread lies about him, cause people to doubt what he says. They determined that they can just ignore what Jeremiah says. They said, “Our priests, wisemen and prophets can teach us. We don’t need Jeremiah to tell us what he thinks God is saying.” Lord, make me wise to Satan‘s tactics to throw me off of God’s message.


* Know your enemy: Jhn 8:44; 2Co 11:3,4; Eph 6:10–13; Jas 1:14-16; 1Pe 5:8,9; 1Jn 3:12,13; Rev 12:9,10. God fits the believer for battle: Psm 144:1,2; Eph 6:13-18; Jas 4:7.

The Coming Storm


May your faces be turned always toward God (Jer 18:16–17). #StormsOfJudgment #RepentTowardsGod #ObserveStormWarnings


At this point in Judah’s national life, God vows to desolate the land, just as the people have chosen to desolate their souls. Many will look on in horror. God further vows to scatter his arrogant disobedient people like the dust of a violent dust storm (a common occurrence in Israel).

Because God‘s people have turned their backs on him (2:27), God will turn away his face of favor from them. Now his people will see an amazing thing – they will see God‘s back as they are consumed by the distresses of judgment to come. Will America at some point see God’s back? May she turn in repentance and live. Lord, to ignore you will end in an ultimate demise.

Get Self Out Of The Way


America (even I myself) needs to rid its heart of indifference towards God (Jer 18:12-16). #RepentNow #TurnNowToGod

“You would turn away from God, your provider?


God’s people express their resolve to continue in their wicked ways (v12). It makes no sense. God’s people have known his goodness to them, yet they turn their backs on him. Even the godless pagan can see the foolishness of such a response. It is seen as appalling, ghastly, even to them.

The response is in opposition even to the natural world. The snow in the mountains continually flows to the valley below (pictures God’s goodness). Rivers of living water flow from the “Rock,” also pictures God as the source of all goodness. Astonishingly God’s people opt for the waters of another (worthless gods). They cause their own stumbling off the true path that leads to God.

Lord, in light of all your goodness to me (to America) I (we) need to get out of my (our) own way and turn you.


This old hymn says it well:

Come, thou Fount of every blessing;
tune my heart to sing thy grace;
streams of mercy, never ceasing,
call for songs of loudest praise.

Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
prone to leave the God I love;
here’s my heart; O take and seal it;
seal it for thy courts above.

Teach me some melodious sonnet,
sung by flaming tongues above;
praise the mount! I’m fixed upon it,
mount of God’s unchanging love!

Letter to the American Church – Eric Metaxas: Review & Response

I begin this review and response with these words from Nehemiah, chapter four, verse fourteen: “Then as I looked over the situation, I called together the nobles and the rest of the people and [fearlessly spoke the truth] to them, ‘Don’t be afraid of the enemy! [But confidently] Remember the Lord, who is great and [awesome], and [with courage from him] fight for your [friends, your families], your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes!’ “ (NLT w/translation interpretations in brackets)

Eric Metaxas asks the question, “Would the American church have acted any differently than the German church [in the 1930s & 40s]”, leading up to the Hitlerian holocaust – the extermination of millions of Jews? The answer is, “No.” She’d like to think she would, but she is not. The American church today, like the German church then, has turned a blind eye to the cultural breakdown of our society. Does she has a duty to respond, to stand for truth? Absolutely![1] This is the premise of the book.

Metaxas explains that the American church (as a whole) is being gobbled up by the new cultural norms (e.g., abortion, transgenderism, homosexuality, critical race theory and the like). The American church needs to read the signs of a corrupt society. She must respond to the changing cultural norms and not simply conform. She must see the evil forces behind such things.[2]

Dietrick Bonhoeffer (1906-1945), German Lutheran pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident, writes in The Church and the Jewish Question (his response to the increasing hostility of Hitler towards Christian values): “The church [must be] the conscience of the state, call it into account – object when the state does wrong – not remain silent. The Christian, the church must help those who are victims of the state [those who cannot speak for themselves]. If the state refuses to change course, it is the solemn obligation of Christians to take action.”[3]

Metaxas says the German church made four grave errors that led to a culture of silence. This culture led to the German church’s mistaken idea that they could somehow stand apart from the destructive, Nazi governmental demise of the nation’s soul. [When our American President proclaims that he is “fighting for the soul of America”, that should alarm us. The church should be extremely concerned, stand up and say something].

The leaders of the German church thought it better to mind their own business and stay out of politics; focus on faith, evangelism, “teaching the Bible” and living a quiet Christian life. The church’s silence on the tragic murder of millions of Jews, the church’s silence on the “cancel culture“ of their day, led to a cowardice end. Metaxas deals with these errors one by one:

  • Too many in the church were Christians in name only (cheap faith; cheap grace)
  • Evangelism became the sole endgame of the church (just talk about Jesus)
  • A “Do no harm” mentality meant, no political speak, be “inclusive” (silence)
  • Piety, avoiding sin, stood above civic engagement (separate secular from spiritual)[4]

Metaxas says, “When the German Church in the 1930s and the American church of our day focuses on doctrinal statements but forgets that we are obliged to live out what we claim to believe, it makes a mockery of what God actually requires of us.Bonhoeffer was calling the German church to repentance.[5] Metaxas, in this book, is calling the American church to repent today – or we have learned nothing from history.


When I began reading, Letter to the American Church, I was expecting and hoping for a “To Do“ list on how to impact our 21st-century culture. Ultimately there was no list. But by the middle of the book, it became clear to me what Metaxas was saying that I should do. I must be fearless and stand for the truth, God’s truth. I must seek after God for the holy boldness and courage that I might lack, to speak up. I said, “But Lord, I am only one.” God replied, “Yes, but you ARE one!” This Latin term came to my mind: “Acta Non Verba” (action not words).

I do not want, nor do I wish, to live a “safe faith,“ a mere intellectual assent to Christianity. I want to live a “Lionized Faith.“ I want to live with a bold faith in Christ. My commitment to evangelism should be more than just convincing someone to say a prayer. My evangelism must not be a milquetoast call to “join up”, being oh so careful not to offend anyone. I must proclaim the true cost of discipleship, the cost of following Jesus. I conclude again, Acta Non Verba! Speak the truth in love and do something, say something. Risk everything. Risk being misunderstood. But speak the truth of God without fear, leaving the results with our loving (not angry) God.

The great lies of our day are confused sexuality and transgender madness, the breakdown of the family unit. They are the Marxist critical race theory (CRT) being taught along with misguided lies about sexuality in our children’s classrooms. They are the lies being taught that carry a hateful undertone of racial bigotry, social justice and class warfare throughout our government, education system and even in many churches of America. Can we (can I) be silent in the face of this evil ideology? I cannot. I am only one… But I am one.

I will not be held bondage to the spirit of this age (Gal 5:1)[6]. The strategy is clear:

I must speak

I must speak truth

I must speak truth fearlessly

But how? When? However and whenever the opportunity arises (Acta Non Verba!). if I do not speak up and act, then I am condemned by God…Not necessarily to hell, but to the destruction of my culture. A destruction then of my own making.

Metaxas quotes Bonhoeffer (I make it personal): “[I must] live out [my] faith with every atom of [my] being in every second [I] have on this earth and with every breath God gives [me] to breathe. Anything less than this kind of faith is [no faith at all].[7] William H Johnson once proclaimed, “If it is to be, it is up to me!“Those ten words say it all.

Metaxas concludes, “Our Bible studies and sermons have all been meaningless if we do not make what we learned come alive in ways that are self-sacrificial and that show we really do know that God has defeated death. Many who do not yet know the God we claim to worship will see how we live and will want to know Him…come to know Him, and become a part of what He is doing in our generation. Dare we believe that, or are we already headed to the caves, believing nothing we do can matter…all we can do is save ourselves?”[8]

I must proclaim for myself with Martin Luther of the German church, “Here I Stand.” I commit to God my personal strategy to speak the truth fearlessly, compassionately and convincingly when given the opportunity. Metaxas says that “truth is a person, Jesus Christ.“ I will speak and act as called upon, God willing, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

How does one lonely voice make a difference? By starting where I am, picking up whatever tool, using whatever platform God has given me and take every opportunity that comes my way to do as I am charged by Scripture to do: stand faithfully, watch vigilantly, pray earnestly, speak/act boldly (Isaiah 62:6; Nehemiah 4:16-18). I must act like the young shepherd boy David, when faced with Goliath. I must trust God. I am, like the Israelites, fearful and powerless without God. I must depend on God alone for the victory. David said, “I come in the name of the Lord.“ (1Samuel 17:46,47). I must be quick to the fight, fast with my sling and swift with my stones.

Pick up whatever God puts in your hands and get busy. I am a dad and a granddad – I can speak truth into the lives of my children and grandchildren. I don’t have endless financial resources, but I can use what I have to support others taking the fight where I cannot go. I am a writer and blogger. I can make my voice known to the glory of God and the impact of my culture. I can vote, I can speak for candidates who promote godly values, be they Christian or not, and do so no matter the personal cost to me. It is a simple strategy:


Then as I looked over the situation, I called together the nobles and the rest of the people and [fearlessly spoke the truth] to them, ‘Don’t be afraid of the enemy! [But confidently] Remember the Lord, who is great and [awesome], and [with courage from him] fight for your [friends, your families], your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes!’ “ (Neh 4:14).

[1] Metaxas, Eric. Letter to the American Church, Washington D.C., Salem Books, (2022), pg. 18

[2] IBID, pg. 35

[3] IBID, pg. 39

[4] IBID, pgs. 51, 52

[5] IBID, pg. 64

[6] “Christ has set us free! This means we are really free. Now hold on to your freedom and don’t ever become slaves of the Law again.” (Gal 5:1; AMP)

[7] Metaxas, Eric. Letter to the American Church, Washington D.C., Salem Books, (2022), pg 126

[8] IBID, pg. 128

Disbelief Exposed


May our hearts be delivered from evil disbelief (Heb 3:12–15). #EvilUnbelievingHeart #DoNotHardenYourHeart


The writer here repeats his warning to be careful not to allow our hearts to become hardened. Believers are to warn each other of this regularly. He refers here to an “evil disbelieving” heart. This is the worst kind of evil that is here mentioned. It is not a casual unbelief. It is allowing our heart to be so intentionally contrary to God that we lead others also into disbelief.

This is what Israel did (3:16-19) and a whole generation of people died in the wilderness never having set foot in God’s land of promise for them. This is an evil hardening of the heart of the first order. Lord there was a time in my life when this oft wayward sentry stood on the brink of an “evil disbelieving heart.” I was in danger of losing my very life. But you rescued me at just the right time. I am eternally grateful.

Godly Exceptionalism


Live a godly life made exceptional by the grace of God (Jer 16:10). #GodlyExceptionalism #NoExceptionToTheRule

Exceptionalism Depends On God’s Grace


Jeremiah was to exhibit extraordinary behavior to act out and explain God’s displeasure with Judah, his people (vv1-9). The people denied God. Yet, in verse 10, they ask indignantly, “Why is God unhappy with us? What have we done – how have we sinned against him?“ They were religious in their outward actions but far from God in their hearts.

Far from being the exceptional people God intended them to be, they thought they were the exception to the rule. They believed God was obligated to protect and provide for them. Exceptionalism does not make one an exception to the rule – in this case devotion to God. Lord may I live my life as a child of God, made exceptional in repentance by the grace of God.

I believe in “American Exceptionalism.” But America is not an exception to the rule, free to live in defiance of God and his Word. Her “Exceptionalism” is a God-given attribute. She needs to turn from her sin and act like it. May repentance be the rule of the day.

Snub God, Pay The Price


Take seriously sin and drifting from God (Jer 16:1–9). #PainfulSnub #Repent #TurnNowToGod

Really God? Join The Party!


There are times when God will ask hard things of his messengers, sometimes extreme things. His purpose is to wake people up, to jolt them into reality. Therefore, Jeremiah was told he could not marry and have children in a culture where this was obligatory. He was not to mourn the dead – unthinkable among the Jews at that time. Nor was he allowed to participate in festivals, joyful events.

All of these things were to show the drastic nature of God‘s intentions to judge a wayward and sinful people. The destruction would be thorough and complete. It would (and did) happen in Jeremiah‘s lifetime (v9). Woe to those who think they can snub their nose at God. Lord, keep old sentry alert to the seriousness of sin and drifting from God.

Against The Tide


Stand fearlessly for the truths of God (Jer 15:10,11). #AgsinstTheTide #FearlesslyDevotedToTruth


Having heard God‘s response to the prayers of God‘s people (which was, God would not listen), Jeremiah dives headlong into a lament of his own with God. “I should have died at birth. It is such sorrow, depressing, to be hated by everyone, everywhere. I have done nothing to deserve the ire of everyone, yet they all curse me.“

Sometimes the man or woman of God must stand alone against the tide of unrighteousness. It is not an enviable position. But, stand you must, if you are to honor God. It is not you the people curse. It is (heaven forbid) God and his truth. God will see you through. In the end they will seek you to plead their case (v11).

Hardened Hearts


Do not put off repentance before God (Jer 13:24-27). #TutnNowToGod #Repent #DoNotHardenYourHeart


God now makes clear his intentions. If there was any doubt before, it is clear now. God will scatter the people of Judah. They will no longer have a homeland. Just as they have done detestable acts of idolatry, shamelessly done acts of prostitution (pagan orgies) in the open for all to see, so God will expose their naked lust for all to see.

It is decreed by God what is to be their lot…their end. Judgment will fall on them. Lord, my beloved nation is guilty of all of this and more. She flaunts her sin in your face. May she turn back to you before it is too late.

Do Not Delay to Repent


Repent of a self-centered, self-righteous, know-it-all, attitude (Jer 13:15–17). #DoNotDelayRepentance #TurnNowToGod #Repent

Weep for the rejecting souls in darkness


Following two parables of sin and judgment (vv 1-14), Jeremiah warned the people of Judah once again. (Oh, how the Lord is long-suffering)

“Listen to the warnings of God. Give him honor before it is too late. The day is coming when you will find yourself groping in the darkness of your own soul. You will look for light, but there will be no light.”

Then, Jeremiah says, “I will weep great tears for you because your pride feeds your refusal to listen to God. Your exile (judgment) is on the way.” Lord, I humbly bow before you in repentance for my own self-centered, self-righteous and frequently know-it-all attitude.

Would that our beloved nation, America, turn now from her pride and rejection of God to the light, while there is still time.

An Emerging Wasteland


May America have shepherd leaders who honor God (Jer 2:10–13). #TurnBackToGod #GodOurOnlyHope


Leaders in Judah had been as heedless in guiding the people of God as careless indifferent shepherds who send their sheep to graze on the young vines of a vineyard. The consequence is that the sheep unwittingly make the beautiful vines a wasteland.

So God’s people had laid waste to all of the blessings of God on them. They did not see the signs of the gathering armies on the hilltops, ready to wield God’s sword of judgment upon them. They have done “religious” works, done the work of planting, but they will harvest a crop of shame and devastation. Lord, give us shepherd leaders today who will honor God and pay heed to his word.


America today is squandering her blessings from God. We are becoming a vast wasteland. Illegal immigrants are overrunning us and depleting our resources. Inflation is devouring financial resources. Immorality and homosexuality is laying waste to our moral resources. Our children are being sacrificed on altars of humanistic/socialistic ideologies and compromising this, our most precious resource. Lord, may our leaders show signs of humble repentance and point America back towards you.

Do The Unexpected


Treat those antagonistic towards the faith with Mercy and Prayer (Jud 1:22,23). #Mercy #TheUnexpected


How do I treat and pray for those who malign faith in Christ and the biblical values I hold dear? Do the unexpected thing. Be merciful towards others whose faith is faltering; rescue those who have gone to the dark side. But do so cautiously, hating the sin and not getting caught up in their departure from faith. Galatians 6:1 comes to mind.

Certainly praying for those who malign the faith is implied here and made clear in Luke 6:28. As hard as it may be, pray for those who live and think contrary to you. Do the unexpected thing. Pray for them. Over time your attitude towards them will change. Mercy will kick in. Lord, create in me a desire to act mercifully towards those who have faltered or left the faith and to pray for them.