Semblance V. Substance


May we be people of deep faith and substance (2Ki 23:34-37; Jer 22:13–17). #SubtanceOverSemblance #PursueFaithAndSubstsnce


[For whatever reason Jeremiah Chs 21 & 22 are out of sequence. These chapters contain prophecies of the last four kings of Judah. I insert them as a matter of cohesive devotional understanding. This is not a critical analysis, but the best of my understanding in my study]

A second of King Josiah‘s sons was made a puppet vassal-king by Pharaoh Neco. His name was changed to Jehoiakim. He reigned 11 years. He heavily taxed the Hebrew people to pay the tribute demanded by Neco. He was an unjust, greedy, dishonest and ruthless man (Jer 22:13–17). He had Uriah the prophet killed (Jer 26:20-23). He was nothing like his father, Josiah. [You can inherit many things, but you cannot inherit faith and substance]

Jehoiakim indulged himself at the people’s expense. “I will have a magnificent palace,” he said. But Jeremiah said, “A beautiful cedar palace does not make a great king” (Jer 22:15). Semblance: sad substitute for substance (1Sa 16:7). Leadership and authority is not validated in raw power. It is validated in humility of heart (in the home first, then to those with whom one works/serves, finally to the uttermost parts of one’s reach). Lord, may this old sentry always strive for deep faith and substance.

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