In Times of Crisis


When crisis strikes, may we fully rely upon God (2Ch 35:22-24; 2Ki 23:29,30). #NationalCrisis #PersonalCrisis #RelyFullyUponGod


The godly King Josiah of Judah, was mortally wounded in battle with the Egyptians. He was wounded by an enemy arrow. He was loaded alive into his chariot, and removed quickly from the battle and taken back to Jerusalem. There he died.

I remember where I was on November 22, 1963 when President John F Kennedy was assassinated.

I watched in horror as Air Force One brought his body back to our nation’s Capital. It is not a stretch for me to imagine how the people of Judah must have felt at the time of Josiah‘s death in their history.

As a minister, I have been called to meet and sit with family members in a hospital emergency waiting room, when they receive the news of the fatal death of a loved one. I have conducted funerals in our military’s National Cemeteries where veterans and active duty soldiers have been laid to rest; they gave their greatest treasure, their lives in service to their country. I have served in the military myself.

Our world is full of dark days. Someone has said, “Long the struggle, hard to fight.” In the midst of bad news and dark national tragedy, we can rejoice just as the family of King Josiah could have done. Why? Because, in the midst of sorrow and grief those who believe in the living God can look forward to seeing the Lord Jesus and their loved ones again. This is the Eternal Hope we have in Christ. Lord, in times of National or personal crisis may I always rely fully upon you.

2 thoughts on “In Times of Crisis

  1. I enjoy the added personal info you’ve included in this message.
    I read every one of your messages, even though I don’t know you, because I can tell you are a very humble man, full of wisdom from above. I will send a prayer, that God has favor in your life, even more than you currently have! 🙏


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