Ignorance Is Not Bliss


May our national and religious leaders, the people of our nation seek the whole counsel of God (2Ch 35:20-23). #SeekGod’sCounsel


King Josiah followed the Lord God all the days of his life. Yet, his demise in battle was dubious. It was perhaps a battle that needed not to be fought. Pharaoh Necho was headed for battle with an ancient enemy. He sought to take a shortcut through Judah. Josiah, for whatever reason, refused him passage through the land.

Necho told Josiah that “God” told him to go through the land to fight. [Scholars differ as to what “God“ pharaoh was referring; eg. Keil & Delitzsch point out that the word used for “God” here was a generic term]* Nevertheless, Josiah, for all his obedience to God, did not appear to seek God‘s counsel from priest or prophet. His ignorance of any such plan of God may have lead to his demise.**

Lord, in the crucible of life, may I not neglect to seek your counsel.


* Keil and Delitzsch OT Commentary

For even had Pharaoh said [that Jehovah God] in so many words [told him to go through Judah], we could not here think of a divine message made known to him by a prophet, because God is neither called [by Necho] יהוה nor האלהים [the usual Devine ref to God] , but merely אלהים, and so it is only the Godhead in general which is spoken of; and Pharaoh only characterizes his resolution as coming from God, or only says: It was God’s will that Josiah should not hinder him, and strive against him. This Pharaoh might say without having received any special divine revelation, and after the warning had been confirmed by the unfortunate result for Josiah of his war against Necho.

** Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary

Commentators are not agreed whether it was really a divine commission given him through Jeremiah, or whether he merely used the name of God as an authority that Josiah would not refuse to obey. As [Josiah] could not [have have known] the truth of Necho’s declaration, Josiah did not sin in opposing him; or, if he sinned at all, it was a sin of ignorance. The engagement took place. Josiah was mortally wounded [2Ch 35:23].

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